Good Evening!
Check out the Elementary newsletter here!

Good Evening! Parent Teacher Conferences have been rescheduled! Conferences will be held Wednesday, February 7th! Conferences will be held after school until 8:30pm! An elementary conference schedule will be sent home at a later date! Please plan to attend conferences on Wednesday February 7th!

Good Evening! Reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday, January 16th--school dismisses at 2:55 and buses leave Newburg United School at 3pm! Please expect your children home early tomorrow, Tuesday January 16th! Thank You!

Reminder: No School Monday, January 15th, 2024! Enjoy the three day weekend!

There is No GBB game tonight in Westhope. Due to dangerous travel and weather conditions, this game was postponed. The make-up date has yet to be decided.
Again - there is no GBB game tonight in Westhope vs. Berthold.
No Little Ballers activities tonight as well.

Deck the Halls, We're off the Walls!
Wear Red & Green!
Last Day of School Tomorrow! No School Friday, Classes resume January 4th!
Have a great Christmas and a Happy New year!

T'was the night before Christmas Break! Wear your Pajamas again Wednesay!

Tuesday is Grinch Day! Wear Green or Dress like you're a Who!

Good Evening! Four days of school this week! Monday is time to be wacky and tacky! Wear your ugly Christmas Sweater!

Holiday Hair, Don't Care! Wear a Hat Friday!

May your Days be Merry and Bright
Wear NEON to school on Wednesday!

Good Evening! Everyone is ready for Long Winters Nap!
Wear your Pajamas to school tomorrow!

Please remind your 7th-12th Grade student to finish their IXL minutes for the week! Any unfinished minutes will be completed during a working lunch!

Wednesday starts our Holiday Dress Up Fun!
Blue Christmas. Wear Blue/Denim/Jeans!

Follow the attached link to view the Elementary Weekly Newsletter!

The Elementary Weekly Newsletter is available on our website at the following link
https://www.newburg.k12.nd.us/article/1332886 Please take a look at it so you are up date on activities in our school next week! Enjoy the three day weekend!

The Elementary Weekly Newsletter is available in the News Feed of our Website and App! This newsletter will no longer be printed and sent home!
Please allow push notifications from the NUS App so you are notified once it is posted weekly on Friday!

Good Evening! Please remind your 7th-12th Grade Student that there is a Halloween Costume Contest on Tuesday! House points will be awarded for dressing up! Extra points for 1-Best Group Costume 2-most uncomfortable Costume 3-Most Creative and 4-Least Effort! Happy Halloween!

Parents and community members I need your help!! The month of November is a month in which we celebrate all things we are grateful for. I am truly grateful for all our amazing staff members and know that you are too!
Throughout the month of November, I would like to shower ALL our staff members with your words of gratitude and shout outs each day of the month!
PLEASE help me out by filling out this google form sharing reasons you are grateful for a staff member or staff members in our school! Yes, you can fill it out as many times as you like.
Send the staff member's name, a positive write up about the staff member, and sign your name or your entire family's name! It's that easy.
I will be sharing your kind words with the staff members and posting the gratitude posts throughout the month. Please remember there are many amazing people that make our school system function!
Thank you for all your help!
-Mrs. Brandt

With road conditions worsening now and projected through the night as such, the Newburg United School will start two hours late again tomorrow, Friday, October 27th. Classes will begin at 10:35 AM tomorrow and Buses will also run 2 hours late. The High School will run an adjusted schedule tomorrow in order to get all class periods covered on the day. It will just be a shortened period each period.
Again - School and Buses will be 2 hours late tomorrow. Classes will begin at 10:35 AM. Mr. Beaudrie will send out an adjusted HS Schedule to all 7-12 students on their newburgunited.com email.