High School Grading Scale
An effective marking system should provide information to the student and parent/guardian regarding the student’s progress according to his/her ability.
Letter Grade | A B C D F I |
Percentage Point | 94-100 85-93 79-84 70-78 0-69 Incomplete |
Point Value | 4 3 2 1 0 |
An incomplete grade will be given for the grading period when a teacher feels that a student has a legitimate reason for not completing his/her work on time. In such a case, teachers will give the student a reasonable amount of time to complete the work so that the incomplete may be replaced with a numerical grade.
Dropping a course more than 20 days after the beginning of a semester may be done in cases of illness or emergency, subject to the approval of the principal.
Dropping a year’s course at semester time will be permitted only under circumstances agreed to by the parents/guardian, teacher, counselor and principal.